Taking your Web3 project to the next level with strategies that actually make sense. No smoke and mirrors - just clean execution, start to finish.
Taking your Web3 project to the next level with strategies that actually make sense. No smoke and mirrors - just clean execution, start to finish.
230+ Protocols
Partnered with 230+ projects in DeFi, AI, Nodes, DePin, TradeFi, DEX, and CEX over 2 years.
$1.6M+ KOL Budgets
Managed over $1.6M in KOL marketing without the BS.
500+ KOLs
Access to 500+ KOLs on YouTube, X, and Telegram, all lined up and ready.
25+ Countries
Reaching audiences in 25+ countries through KOLs with real influence.
We’re a team full of passion
We’re a team of Web3-native experts, passionate about creating impactful content and innovative marketing strategies